Case Studies

Following are a few recent cases we have dealt with

Case A - Israeli Offshore Structure

An Italian (or South American or Canadian) business person wanted to hold assets in a stable tax efficient environment without infringing the tax laws of that person s country of residence. After a detailed review, an Israeli trust owned vehicle (TOV) was adopted. If properly structured, this can result in no tax anywhere indefinitely.


Case B - International Business

An Israeli high tech company was about to start making big profits on the US and Asian markets. After a detailed review, it emerged that big long term tax savings were possible by claiming Israeli tax breaks and adopting a careful transfer pricing policy. This paved the way for an IPO.


Case C - Double Tax on Inheritances

Mr A of New York was worried about the 95% tax trap if he bequeathed a valuable building in New York to his offspring living in Israel: around 45% federal and state estate tax in the USA and up to 50% capital gains tax in Israel upon a future sale. After a detailed review, a step-up ruling was obtained from the Israeli Tax Authority. This eliminated Israeli tax on the gain before the bequest.


Case D - Business Exit

A business owner approaching retirement age was ready to cash in his chips. He allowed his business to be listed in our directory. This was of interest to a buyer looking to expand his business rapidly through acquisition….
